Federal government

This Top Democrat’s Endorsement Proves the Deep State Knows No Party

The Deep State is made up of big government proponents from both parties.

They will do anything to stop Donald Trump and anti-big government conservatives.

And this top Democrat’s endorsement proves the Deep State knows no party.

Conservatives and liberty activists have known for years that the Deep State is not bound to any one political party.  Rather, they worm their way into both parties and into positions of power at the local, state and federal level.

Who can forget long-time Republican Senator John Warner endorsing Democrats, or the National Republican Party targeting Republican Congressman Ron Paul?

And now, there is further proof of this bipartisan demagogy.

Just last week, Senator Joe Manchin, a so-called “moderate Democrat” from West Virginia announced that he was throwing his support behind liberal Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine in her re-election bid.

But that’s not all. Manchin even promised to hit the campaign trail in 2020 on behalf of Collins.

Senator Collins has faced enormous amounts of backlash from the far-left since she voted to confirm Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States. These leftist fanatics are forgetting that this was possibly her only conservative vote in years.

Senator Collins has been a thorn in the side of true conservatives and liberty activists for years.

And Collins’ seat was already a pick up hope for Democrats in 2020 as they seek to take back the Senate.

Now, the left has made Collins a bigger target since the Justice Kavanaugh hearings.

But, Mitch McConnell and the RINOs in the GOP are doing everything in their power to make sure the far-left Senator gets re-elected.

And the addition of Democrat Manchin makes her re-election even more of a sure thing.

Manchin’s across-party-lines olive branch is unprecedented and according to one Capitol Hill staffer “is a true showing of bipartisan unity among the last few moderate senators, and a clear rebuke of the radical left’s treatment of moderates like Collins based on single votes rather than looking at her entire voting history”.

Of course, the real way to look at this is yet more evidence that the Deep State is coalescing around both Democrat and Republican members of Congress to create, in essence, a third party within the two major parties.

This group of moderate, big government, pro-war politicians has seen the election of Donald Trump fracture their once iron grip on Washington DC.

These Deep State activists are not new, they have been around since the founding of our nation, working together usually behind closed doors in the dark, to stop any conservative effort to decrease the size of government, cut taxes and spending and rein in the out of control FED.

They are the same people who brought us the income tax, the Federal Reserve, and the huge growth in the federal government through the years.

Donald Trump has been their biggest threat since Ronald Reagan, and one can argue is a bigger threat to their power than Reagan was.

Expect to see more and more of these cross-party endorsements in the future as the Deep State tries to restore its power.

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