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Our Constitutional Rights Are in Greater Danger than Ever Before, WE Must Defend Them

Last week marked the anniversary of the signing of U.S. Constitution on September 17th, 1787.

But such an important moment in our nation’s history was overlooked by the media, the internet, and many Americans when it should have served as a sober reminder instead.

Our Constitutional rights are in greater danger today than ever before, and we must rise up to defend them.

The U.S. Constitution and accompanying Bill of Rights protect our most basic liberties, which these days seem to be the most violated.

Censorship is ravaging the nation — conservative media is being flagged as “fake news,” college campuses call anything and everything hate speech, and even the internet—once a bastion of free speech—has followed suit.

No system of government is perfect, but the fundamental freedoms outlined in the First Amendment of our Constitution are just that – fundamental.

It was instituted in order to protect exactly what some in the government are trying to take away from us – the freedom to speak our minds, the freedom to honor God, the freedom to protest, and even the right to bear arms.

Of course, no one wants a nation of violence and discord, despite what the liberal media may say about freedom-loving Americans.

But our Constitutional rights must be protected now more than ever with the upcoming 2020 election.

Democrat Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren is basing her campaign on vowing to end Washington corruption, rebuild the middle class, strengthen democracy, fight for equal justice for all, and build foreign relationships.

That’s all well and good, but she seems more focused on creating a smear campaign against President Trump. https://deepstatejournal.com/2019/07/23/elizabeth-warren-fears-her-campaign-is-near-the-end-so-she-cranks-up-the-crazy/

Bernie Sanders is by all accounts a socialist and gearing up for the Democratic nomination. But his ideals already failed him in his 2016 Presidential campaign.

So, he too is focusing on targeting President Trump and the “one percent.” https://deepstatejournal.com/2019/08/17/bernie-sanders-scaring-other-socialists-out-of-the-race-as-his-numbers-sky-rocket-2/

His campaign site even reads:

Bernie Sanders is running for president to defeat Donald Trump and transform our economy to one that works for all of us and not just the one percent.

 I’m running for president so that, when we are in the White House, the movement we build together can achieve economic, racial, social and environmental justice for all.

 There is a slew of other candidates, including Obama’s former Vice President Joe Biden, who have similar campaign ideals – denounce the competition, figure out how to run the nation later.

This just goes to show that Democrat leaders often do not have the nation’s best interests at heart — especially when it comes to the Constitution.

It’s come to a point where even Democrats like Ruth Bader Ginsburg are reminding their own party members, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, what they can and cannot do under the Constitution. https://deepstatejournal.com/2019/03/08/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-has-become-the-poster-child-of-socialism/



As a result, it’s vastly important that we protect our Constitutional freedoms by staying current on political issues and voting for political leaders who will fight for our freedoms.

Let this anniversary of the signing of the Constitution serve us as a reminder.


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