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Donald Trump Accused of Creating Massive California Problem by Rep. Maxine Waters

Let’s get down to brass tacks here and talk about the grand delusions the Democrats maintain.

According to them, everyone is a victim, and the rich and powerful are the ones who rule over us. In their eyes, the only people who are guilty of anything are rich white males.

So it would make sense that someone like Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA 43) would accuse President Trump of creating this massive problem in California.

If you’re keeping up with what’s happening in California these days, you’ll notice something strange is taking place.

California is arguably one of the most picturesque states in all the U.S. It has beaches and mountains, deserts and forests, surfing and skiing, Hollywood and Disneyland.

And yet, people are leaving en masse.


The explanation is quite simple, actually.

The politicians in California have ruined their state.

They know it’s their fault, but since they’ll never admit it, they’ll make the Republicans the scapegoat in order to hide their malfeasance from the remaining California voters.

Take the recent accusations Congresswoman Maxine Waters leveled at President Trump.

Though she’s been a representative in Congress since 1991, she believes President Trump is responsible for the homelessness in her district.

In a recent letter written to Trump, Waters shows not only her utter hate for Trump, but she fervently believes his policies are what has led to the surge of homelessness in California.

Part of her letter reads:

To date, your Administration has taken several steps that would increase homelessness in this country, including: proposing to defund key HUD programs, proposing to impose steep rent increases on the lowest income HUD tenants, seeking to evict mixed-status immigrant families living in subsidized housing, increasing the barriers to emergency shelter for LGBTQ individuals experiencing homelessness, and weakening fair housing protections.

 Your Administration also has implemented cruel and inhumane child separation and detention practices as part of its immigration policies. In light of this record, I am concerned that these newly reported efforts around homelessness are an effort to reduce the appearance rather than the rate of homelessness at the expense of the human and civil rights of people experiencing homelessness.”

Sadly, Waters and the rest of her ilk aren’t able to wrap their heads around the truth — that their incredibly high tax rates, open contempt for the Second Amendment, kowtowing to Marxist ideologies, the intense regulatory burdens put on businesses, hostility towards working-class people, and their idolization of sanctuary cities is why California has a problem with homelessness.

When a state chooses to give taxpayer money to illegals while turning a cold shoulder to lower-class wage earners, homeless rates will skyrocket.

When policies create enclaves of elite, left-leaning technocrats who live the high life – thus causing housing prices to soar to unreasonable rates – homelessness will permeate the entire state.

And when elected officials think raising taxes and throwing money at the problem is the answer rather than fixing fundamental flaws within the culture at large, homelessness will continue to flourish.

For Waters to insist this is all the Trump administration’s fault makes it clear she’s so detached from reality that she may need medication.

Dr. Ben Carson can see that Waters lives in a state of delusion.

In fact, he found Waters’ letter so incredibly rude, he wrote a blistering response that should (but won’t) shut her up for life.

In an attempt to defend HUD policies and set the record straight, Carson wrote the following, as reported by Politico “My mother always taught me that people shouldn’t throw rocks, especially while they live in a glass house,” Carson wrote, according to a copy of the letter obtained by POLITICO. “Because of that wise lesson, I was a little surprised to read your hostile letter to President Trump regarding the record number of homeless Americans in California, particularly in your district.”


Carson threw the [“shameless”] charge back at her today in his response: “Shamelessness is a career politician of 30 years laying blame,” he wrote.

 “Shamelessness is allowing more than 55,000 Americans to live on the very streets they represent,” Carson added, referring to the homeless population of Los Angeles city and county.

 “To me, the most compassionate, obvious, and logical solution would be to get as many homeless Americans off the streets — with a roof over their heads — as soon as humanly possible,” he said.

 “I have sent multiple letters to your office and requested numerous meetings, but each time you’ve refused,” Carson wrote.

 “Basic manners elude you and it seems that instead of producing results, you’re more interested in producing cheap headlines at the President’s expense — like a true career politician.”

Perhaps Carson should’ve sent a prescription for burn ointment with that letter because Waters just suffered a sick burn!

There’s no doubt Waters is in the wrong.

If only she’d start over from ground zero, she and her fellow representatives could correct-course and reverse what’s going on in their beautiful, but corrupt state.



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